In case you didn't know this about me, I avoid confrontation. Likely to the point of it being an unhealthy character trait, seriously, if I'm faced with it head on, I generally shut down and get what has been dubbed 'the dumb as dirt' look on my face, while I glaze over, check out, and go to my happy place :). Even situations normal people would dub as non-confrontational, if there is a disagreement, with even the slightest increase in octave, I'm out... Not healthy.
This is one of the reasons I love blogging... I get to avoid the dreaded debate as noted in my previous blog, and say my piece without threat of retaliation. Am I a coward... Yes. I know this because I Googled the definition, hoping I could say no, I was just scared... but the definition pegged me dead on: A person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Bummer, guess I get to try and work on that one... so if we get in an argument in the near future, please be nice to me, and know that if I'm actually still engaged in the argument I'm pretty much terrified of you at that moment... so be nice.
Anyway, back to the point of this particular Blog... Since reading "Love Wins", and posting my initial Blog on it (my last one), I've had multiple discussions on it with others of the opposing view point, and heard/read additional commentaries/articles where people continue to slam both the book and Rob Bell. I don't retract my original statement, that different view points are healthy. I stand by it, as its given way to insights I had not entertained while reading the book, and I appreciate the people that have been able to point different things out for me. However, I remain firm in my claim it was great book, and Rob is a great Christian for having written it.
Now I just need to find me some of that courage, so I can defend my claims more eloquently in the moment. For now, you can read them :)
With so many lost, disillusioned, cynical people, desperately needing something to grab a hold of, why are we so quick to try and sink the life preserver Rob Bell has tossed them? I'm not saying he's the ship that will take them home, but I do know he's making an effort to reach people, is that not what we are all called to do? What if by reading this book, someone so spurred before by the FAILED efforts of a zealot, rethinks their decision on writing the whole God thing off?
Many are familiar with the statement "God alone knows the heart of man", so why are so many convinced they know Rob's intent behind publishing that book was to proclaim there is NO Hell? What if his purpose was to create holy controversy? He says in the book there is a Hell, but he puts all sorts of ambiguity around it to make the reader question their preconceived notions. Is that not holy controversy... getting someone to seek, so that they might find? Putting it in God's hands, and having faith that he will lead the reader on the journey they are meant to follow. He's getting worldwide press on this, he's made the cover of Time Magazine, I've heard him discussed on talk shows, radio shows, and he's practically viral on the internet... I fail to see how this isn't a good thing, overall, for God's kingdom. It's blowing the door WIDE open for those with strong faith to reach out to those who might be struggling and help them navigate their way through the waters back to "THE SHIP" (aka Jesus) (sorry, it set itself up too perfectly to bring my life preserver analogy home ;) Yet, to me, it seems those that 'know' the most about their faith, are missing their chance to 'act out IN Faith'.
What if, instead of attacking the validity of the book, which will obviously cause those that read it to question themselves and potentially keep them from asking the most important question they might ever ask, we accept it, and wait in faith? As Bell asked in the beginning of his book, "is it what we say"... No, its what we believe, and its not about what Rob says either, the book was written, and God knows why, so let's get on board with it, and put it to the best use possible.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Know It All's Lose... "Love Wins"
Few things annoy me more than debates, and people that believe they know everything. Don't get me wrong, I love open minded discussions. Two or more people discussing their opinions without feeling an overwhelming need to defend or attack. I think different points of view are healthy to consider... you don't always have to embrace them, but occasionally they can make you rethink some long held notions and in the process expand your overall understanding on a topic. I LOVE books for this very reason. A chance to find a totally new perspective, in the most unoffensive way.
I've been sitting on the sidelines, annoyed, with one of the more recent debates surrounding Heaven/Hell. The book Rob Bell most recently published, "Love Wins", has been catching quite a bit of flack recently... the majority of it starting prior to his official book release. You may have seen me 'share' his response clip via Facebook recently, where he eloquently communicates his beliefs, and in the end challenges people to "only discuss books, which they've actually read"... you would think that went without saying, but alas, there are some people that know it all, and therefore of course shouldn't be troubled to read something new...grrrr.
Given my preconceived notions surrounding the topic have evolved multiple times in my short 29 years, and the controversy had thoroughly piqued my curiosity, I decided to pick up a copy and re-evaluate my own opinions. I'm SO glad I did!
My understanding of a Heaven/Hell from my Catholic upbringing was pretty limited... I got baptized sometime around my 6th week of life, and apparently that sealed the deal... I was good as gold, in like flin... I would get to go bounce around on some big fluffy clouds, wear a white gown with a gold halo, listen to harps, and chill in paradise for eternity. As long as I made it to church every Sunday, any holy day of obligation, put some money in the offering plate, followed all other strongly suggested guidelines, and had someone find me to read me my last rights before I died, I was good... Hell, was the scary place that was insinuated as a possibility should I stray from these aforementioned guidelines.
After my experiences through Young Life, Gateway Community, and now DC Metro, my perspective had slightly changed to it needed to be MY conscious decision... Just because I'd been baptized as a baby and gone to church didn't seal the deal any longer... I had to actively take a role in committing my life to Christ. That opened a whole new can of worms though, cause what about the rest of my family, they didn't get 're-baptized', but they still go to church, they believe in Jesus... It wasn't adding up.
I thought Bell's book was extremely well written... it was fun to read, convicting, insightful, and brought out into the open so many questions that seem to go unasked. I don't think he takes a Universalist approach, that everyone will go to Heaven. He continues to reiterate throughout that "It's Our Choice", and no matter how hard God may try to reach some, there will always be the choice for them to respond with 'nope, I know it all and you are wrong'. However, I always had a difficult time rationalizing a God that "So Loved the World", that if a freak accident took the life of a rebellious teen, or the flubbed efforts of a few mis-guided Christians totally repelled someone for too long, that when their ticker was up he had no more grace/mercy/anything left for that individual. Again... it just didn't add up.
Until I meet the individual that's had a chance to hash this out with God, and can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Bell's theories are wholly unsubstantiated, I'm content with my improved perspective on the topic. I also appreciate, that his book calls us to stop being so consumed with our own admittance to Heaven, and start addressing some of the Hell's on Earth... alluding to the fact that quite possibly the two are intrinsically aligned.
P.S. It didn't hurt reading another perspective on what the physical Heaven/Hell might entail... as I concede my concept of bouncing clouds, harps, and white, didn't hold much weight... I'd just never heard a different explanation that didn't sound like someone else's 'cloud' concoction.
I've been sitting on the sidelines, annoyed, with one of the more recent debates surrounding Heaven/Hell. The book Rob Bell most recently published, "Love Wins", has been catching quite a bit of flack recently... the majority of it starting prior to his official book release. You may have seen me 'share' his response clip via Facebook recently, where he eloquently communicates his beliefs, and in the end challenges people to "only discuss books, which they've actually read"... you would think that went without saying, but alas, there are some people that know it all, and therefore of course shouldn't be troubled to read something new...grrrr.
Given my preconceived notions surrounding the topic have evolved multiple times in my short 29 years, and the controversy had thoroughly piqued my curiosity, I decided to pick up a copy and re-evaluate my own opinions. I'm SO glad I did!
My understanding of a Heaven/Hell from my Catholic upbringing was pretty limited... I got baptized sometime around my 6th week of life, and apparently that sealed the deal... I was good as gold, in like flin... I would get to go bounce around on some big fluffy clouds, wear a white gown with a gold halo, listen to harps, and chill in paradise for eternity. As long as I made it to church every Sunday, any holy day of obligation, put some money in the offering plate, followed all other strongly suggested guidelines, and had someone find me to read me my last rights before I died, I was good... Hell, was the scary place that was insinuated as a possibility should I stray from these aforementioned guidelines.
After my experiences through Young Life, Gateway Community, and now DC Metro, my perspective had slightly changed to it needed to be MY conscious decision... Just because I'd been baptized as a baby and gone to church didn't seal the deal any longer... I had to actively take a role in committing my life to Christ. That opened a whole new can of worms though, cause what about the rest of my family, they didn't get 're-baptized', but they still go to church, they believe in Jesus... It wasn't adding up.
I thought Bell's book was extremely well written... it was fun to read, convicting, insightful, and brought out into the open so many questions that seem to go unasked. I don't think he takes a Universalist approach, that everyone will go to Heaven. He continues to reiterate throughout that "It's Our Choice", and no matter how hard God may try to reach some, there will always be the choice for them to respond with 'nope, I know it all and you are wrong'. However, I always had a difficult time rationalizing a God that "So Loved the World", that if a freak accident took the life of a rebellious teen, or the flubbed efforts of a few mis-guided Christians totally repelled someone for too long, that when their ticker was up he had no more grace/mercy/anything left for that individual. Again... it just didn't add up.
Until I meet the individual that's had a chance to hash this out with God, and can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Bell's theories are wholly unsubstantiated, I'm content with my improved perspective on the topic. I also appreciate, that his book calls us to stop being so consumed with our own admittance to Heaven, and start addressing some of the Hell's on Earth... alluding to the fact that quite possibly the two are intrinsically aligned.
P.S. It didn't hurt reading another perspective on what the physical Heaven/Hell might entail... as I concede my concept of bouncing clouds, harps, and white, didn't hold much weight... I'd just never heard a different explanation that didn't sound like someone else's 'cloud' concoction.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The First Annual 29th Birthday
I've never down played the intensity of my excitability. I've even gone so far as to warn people about it, a type of disclaimer upon meeting me... you know, something along the lines of direct contact may result in a rush of blood to the brain, dizziness, nausea... to the best of my knowledge I haven't been directly responsible for loss of life or limb.... yet.
It get's exponentially worse around annual events like Christmas and My Birthday. However, I've already blogged about my deeply rooted love for everything Christmas, so now you will get a glimpse into the unfortunate world Kevin has pledged to love (for better or WORSE) that surrounds my birthday!
It generally starts roughly a month before my actual birthday. A slight glint in my eye catches when I remind those that we're 3 weeks, 2, 1, days... from my Birthday. This year was slightly different as I did forget the actual day it would fall on, an unprecedented event, and started to make plans of my own for a happy hour with a girlfriend. A slip I am now thoroughly thankful for!
My big day didn't start off so hot.... a 5:30am wake up call from the boys left me trying to snooze on the couch hoping they were watching "Nemo"... only to have Caleb call 'Hey mom', and rise to find Logan playing in the toilet bowl water... yes, solid mommy moment (it was 5:30, cut me a little slack). I clean him up, and come out to find Caleb had turned the entire box of cheerio's upside down on our carpet, I bend down to pick those up and half way through turn around to find an all too quiet Caleb now coloring crayons on the hardwood floor. Exasperated, I plead for him to 'just stop moving', so I can catch up to the next mess.
The day started its dramatic improvement as I was overwhelmed with Facebook love, texts, and calls celebrating me on my day. EVERY SINGLE comment/call/note brought a smile to my face as memories flooded in about the experiences I've shared with them..... High School, College, Texas, Work, Virginia, Family... notes literally came in from all around the World, and I felt SO incredibly blessed to have SO much love and friendship in my life.
The aforementioned slip in scheduling for the evening of my big day had evolved into what I'd expected to be dinner with Kevin and Tonya... What it turned out to be was WAY better!!! Sneaky Kevin and Tonya had colluded on a surprise B-day dinner for me, it was AWESOME!!! I walked into the restaurant totally unaware, and caught a glimpse of one of our small group couples. I still thought it was just a coincidence that we'd chosen the same restaurant until I turned the corner to say hi, and saw 8 more of our friends at the same table with presents and flowers!!!! Saying my excitement hit fever pitch, is still an understatement, I'm not even sure I made intelligible speech for the rest of the evening, I couldn't sit still!
29 is going down in the books as one of the BEST BIRTHDAYS EVER! I LOVE Surprises, and the ones I got on my B-day were so unexpected and SO over the top amazing that I'm still glowing with excitement 4 days later!
I know the big decade turns are when you are really supposed to amp up the excitement/party plans... but given I was let in on a little secret by some of my girlfriends out here that, really, I've now just entered the '29 club' and next year will simply be my 'second annual 29th birthday'... I think the awesomeness that was my day was perfectly fitting to kick off a decade of 29th birthday's!
Thank you everyone for making my first annual 29th B-day flat out amazing! I've been blessed with the most amazing family and extensive circle of friends anyone could ever ask for!!
It get's exponentially worse around annual events like Christmas and My Birthday. However, I've already blogged about my deeply rooted love for everything Christmas, so now you will get a glimpse into the unfortunate world Kevin has pledged to love (for better or WORSE) that surrounds my birthday!
It generally starts roughly a month before my actual birthday. A slight glint in my eye catches when I remind those that we're 3 weeks, 2, 1, days... from my Birthday. This year was slightly different as I did forget the actual day it would fall on, an unprecedented event, and started to make plans of my own for a happy hour with a girlfriend. A slip I am now thoroughly thankful for!
My big day didn't start off so hot.... a 5:30am wake up call from the boys left me trying to snooze on the couch hoping they were watching "Nemo"... only to have Caleb call 'Hey mom', and rise to find Logan playing in the toilet bowl water... yes, solid mommy moment (it was 5:30, cut me a little slack). I clean him up, and come out to find Caleb had turned the entire box of cheerio's upside down on our carpet, I bend down to pick those up and half way through turn around to find an all too quiet Caleb now coloring crayons on the hardwood floor. Exasperated, I plead for him to 'just stop moving', so I can catch up to the next mess.
The day started its dramatic improvement as I was overwhelmed with Facebook love, texts, and calls celebrating me on my day. EVERY SINGLE comment/call/note brought a smile to my face as memories flooded in about the experiences I've shared with them..... High School, College, Texas, Work, Virginia, Family... notes literally came in from all around the World, and I felt SO incredibly blessed to have SO much love and friendship in my life.
The aforementioned slip in scheduling for the evening of my big day had evolved into what I'd expected to be dinner with Kevin and Tonya... What it turned out to be was WAY better!!! Sneaky Kevin and Tonya had colluded on a surprise B-day dinner for me, it was AWESOME!!! I walked into the restaurant totally unaware, and caught a glimpse of one of our small group couples. I still thought it was just a coincidence that we'd chosen the same restaurant until I turned the corner to say hi, and saw 8 more of our friends at the same table with presents and flowers!!!! Saying my excitement hit fever pitch, is still an understatement, I'm not even sure I made intelligible speech for the rest of the evening, I couldn't sit still!
29 is going down in the books as one of the BEST BIRTHDAYS EVER! I LOVE Surprises, and the ones I got on my B-day were so unexpected and SO over the top amazing that I'm still glowing with excitement 4 days later!
I know the big decade turns are when you are really supposed to amp up the excitement/party plans... but given I was let in on a little secret by some of my girlfriends out here that, really, I've now just entered the '29 club' and next year will simply be my 'second annual 29th birthday'... I think the awesomeness that was my day was perfectly fitting to kick off a decade of 29th birthday's!
Thank you everyone for making my first annual 29th B-day flat out amazing! I've been blessed with the most amazing family and extensive circle of friends anyone could ever ask for!!
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