Friday, November 19, 2010

So Much to be Thankful For

On the eve of heading home for my first Thanksgiving with family in 7 years, I figured it was time to reflect on all of the things I am thankful for in my life... and people... the list is extensive...

In no particular order... I am Thankful for:

The love of my life and my best friend, no matter how corny or cheesy it sounds I am the woman I am today because of this man and I love him to the ends of the earth and back... For better or worse, until death do us part (which I've already warned him needs to occur 'Notebook' style, together, both old in age, still madly in love having lived an amazing life).

Two beautiful blessings from God, that remind me what unconditional love is supposed to look like, crack me up, stretch me to grow in ways I didn't think possible (and if I'm honest, some days don't really want to), and who every day hold my heart in their tiny little hands. I love them more than I ever thought possible, and am amazed that love continues to grow exponentially.

A faith that allows me to see the beauty and hope in the world, despite the 'worlds' best effort to convince me otherwise. A faith that makes the blessings in my life SO evident, and allows me to keep perspective, even when situations around me spin out of control.

The opportunities to travel, live in unique cities around the U.S., and meet amazing friends all along the way. Friends that bring joy to my life, make me smile on a daily basis, and feel loved, feel a part of something bigger, and continue to look forward to the times I will get to see them again.

Our families... who know us inside and out and love us anyway (most of the time ;) For the support they have given and continue to give throughout our lives... for pushing us to be independent and successful (even before we knew that was what they were pushing us toward). For being open to evolve and grow together as we navigate different seasons of our lives, and the challenges along the way. For teaching the important lesson, that its o.k. to make mistakes, not just o.k., inevitable... just learn from them and when you can, say your sorry... but also for understanding that "sorry" is sometimes the absolute hardest word to say, and forgiving anyway.

My job, and the opportunity it has given me to be here with my boys, not having to miss the major milestones, getting to partake in the mid-afternoon tickle war, being present to kiss the boo-boo and make it all better, and being able to 'snuggle just for one second', thirteen times through out a day... And I'm Thankful for Tonya (nanny) for being a wonderful addition to our crazy family living in a shoebox, for the joy she brings Caleb (and Logan)... that I get to hear via squeals of delight throughout my day, and for Kevin's HARD work paying off, his degree, and new job with Oracle giving us the opportunity to check out yet another cool place.

Health. The collective 'we' haven't been impervious to unique health battles, but for the most part me and the many people I love have either been healthy or fought tooth and nail to retain/regain their health... and I am thankful everyday for the successes I've been able to witness, and pray daily they continue and that sickness would pass over those I love.

For so many small luxuries, I normally don't even give a second thought to....
Facebook, keeping me connected to my small 'world'
Great churches, helping us build new community, when we're still missing the ones we've left.
Peace and Quiet after 8pm (normally)
A full night sleep
Chocolate Milk and Eggnog Latte's
Seasons... especially the Fall... oh how I've missed you!
Music.... for there always being a song to suit the mood I'm in
Hulu... ensuring I never miss an episode of one of my Fave's
Yoga pants, man those babies are comfy
Hair Day (ladies, you know what I'm talking about)
.... and so many more

Happy Early Thanksgiving Everyone!!! It's amazing when you start listing them out just how much there is... I know it everyday, but it still blows me away to see it written down! I think I'll have to listen to Ben Harper's song first thing when I get in the car to head to Michigan tomorrow... "I've been Blessed" :) See some of ya'll soon!

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