Thursday, October 25, 2012

Family Picture Day

You know that awkward moment, when you see your hairstylist, and you have perfectly updated highlights, but SHE hasn't seen you in months?  Been there.  I find myself there again in a slightly different context.  Just found out today, we're doing some family pictures tomorrow with an amazingly talented friend I have!  Super excited!  However, I JUST turned down another amazingly talented friend who offered to take some for us as a part of her fall family deal.   Now this all makes sense logically... financially one made more sense than the other.... but when you post professional pics to the world, you don't always get to lead with the logic.  Awkward.

As much as mama's around the world LOVE professional shots of their sweet families, I've yet to find an event that incites more stress than family picture day.   This could be genetic.  I'm not 100% convinced ALL families expierence the levels of anxiety and stress that seem to have plagued my family for generations, but I'm a carrier for this genetic abnormality.  For the most part I like to think of myself as low-maintenance.  Go with the flow.  Relaxed.   I am NONE of these things on family picture day.  On family picture day, my desire to control even the remotest detail comes rushing to the surface.  Which in itself is funny, because my favorite family pictures are the 'life in motion kind'.  This can make things extra complicated, because now not only do I want to be able to control the weather, position of the sun, outfits, smiles, hair, bystandars, etc.... I also want to make sure that WHILE we are in motion we are facing the camera but not looking directly at it... cause heaven forbid it appear 'posed'.

God must have known my nuerosis couldn't handle an extended wait up until picture day, so I get 24 hours to panic and then it will all be over.... Which means I can't waste anymore time explaining my craziness here... I've got to get moving!  Boys need hair cuts, color pallets need to be selected, pinterest needs to be consulted for poses, and I need to scoop out the shoot site can so all of my carefully crafted poses can come off so totally not posed ;)

Pray for Kev and the boys... and me... we'll need it!

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