Thursday, January 17, 2013

12 Weeks

Six weeks ago I had myself convinced this day would never come.  Then ya'll came alongside me in prayer and encouragement.  The anxiety began to fade away and my faith grew.  Thank you for that.

We made it.  12 weeks.  I'd be lying if I didn't say waiting to find the heartbeat didn't cause my heart to skip a beat or three, even though I had just heard it 2 weeks earlier.  Then she found it.   The boys quieted down and listened as she counted the beats.  145 glorious beats per minute.  Logan shouted "Hooray", Caleb had a sweet twinkle in his eye and gave me the impish little grin I love so much, Kev smiled, and I said a quiet 'thank-you' to God for all my miracles.

I was torn going into this pregnancy, if I would find out what we were having.... Who was I kidding?!?  Don't I know myself at all?  Apparently not.  While 12 weeks passed at an excruciatingly slow snails pace, I'm hopeful these next 8 will skip right by with all the activities on our social calender.  Metro Groups are launching a month from tomorrow, and preparations for that require about all the mental capacity I have ;).  Then just 4 more weeks of Institute classes.  I'm pretty sure I'll blink and we'll be there!

So thankful to be experiencing this season with so many fantastic friends!  I can't believe I currently know of 10 sweet babes of close friends due within 6wks of each other!  SO FUN!!  Even better than that, my lil sis is expecting their first, my sweet little nephew due just 10wks before his new little cousin.  That will be 5 boys in a row for my sisters and I.... Will I break the streak I started?  Time will soon tell!!!


  1. Congrats, mama :). I am so, so happy for you guys. xoxo

  2. Yay! I'm so excited for you. Prayers are constantly with you sweet friend. We are just 3 weeks apart, I'm 15 weeks right now. Love that!

  3. Soooo thrilled to read this Julie! Continued prayers for you and your sweet baby :)
