Monday, September 23, 2013

AJ's Newborn Pics!

I've determined new born photography is an act of masochism for moms.  It's just not natural in that first week to find the energy and perfect timing, to have napped and fed your new born into oblivion so you get sweet malleable mush baby for pictures.  THEN transform the exhausted mama mess into something you'd be willing to hang on your wall and look at for years to come!  When you add a couple more kids to the mix and have to keep their clothes clean and negotiate smiles under said exhausted state, your house becomes such a pleasant place..... Ha!

Despite all of THAT.... we did it.... again :)   And AGAIN, I'm so happy we did.  My girlfriend Michelle, an incredible wedding photographer offered to help me capture some images of our family that first week.  I have to laugh at the ridiculousness of the illusion the pictures create.... a peace filled home where we're all put together, smiling, and oh how quiet a picture is... quiet.... what is THAT?   I looked like that for all of one hour that day.... as soon as the camera was put away, I was back in pajama's and I think I took a two hour nap, totally spent at having created an image I'd be willing to hang on the wall.  I wanted to share some of the awesomeness that was created, cause I just LOVE them, and all the handsome men I get to be surrounded by now!

 Thanks Michelle VanTine Photography for the amazing pic's  I LOVE them!!!!  


  1. You guys make it too easy to get good shots! Until the next Alspaugh!!

  2. Julie, these photos are great! You have encouraged me to go ahead and line up a photographer and do it with our new little man coming in November. (I've been daunted by the crazy time of year I know it will be!) So happy to see you and your growing family! ~ Katie McCulley - back in Michigan now! ;-)
